Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hey out there. I've been a bit negligent of my blog. My apologies. I know all of you are endlessly hitting the refresh button hoping that I'll have posted an update. ;0) It's not really that I've had no time to blog, but more that I didn't want to relive certain adjustments I've had to make. lol If you guys are on facebook you've seen my posts about no running water, mice, lizards, mosquitoes, etc...all in my, all in my room. lol ...not that funny when I'm living through it though. Seriously though, look at these bites...and it's only two!

I'm not completely miserable...I haven't cried yet..that's saying something. lol I lived with a mouse in my apartment in Tucson for a year, so it's not that foreign to me. It's just a lot of adjustments all at once. After a lot of thought and contemplation I have made a decision to change my living situation. David, Moses and Rita have been great and hospitable, but I have come to the conclusion that I just need my own space. Not too much of a surprise for me. There's a reason why I only had roommates for 2 years in college (and I was extremely lucky to get a best friend out of that situation!). In this scenario though, since I'm adjusting to so much, I really want the comfort of my own space. I just don't feel comfortable moving around someone's house freely. Also, I'd really like to make some of my own food and I'm sure that Rita would have no problem letting me use the kitchen...but it's just my own thing...I don't like to intrude. Also, I've felt pretty darn isolated. It's hard to meet people where I'm at.
So after looking a little bit, I think I found a solution! On Saturday I'm moving into a place where I'll have my own bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, porch, water cooler (!), fan, 24 hour guard, etc. It's also less expensive than what I'm paying now. It's on a compound where mostly expats live which I think will really help with meeting people. A lot of them are backpacking or doing internships too. Also, it's still a bit far from town, but I think I'm gonna try to buy a bike. I don't really like depending on the boda's and it's a decent hike to get anywhere. Plus, I really think a bike would be a good outlet for me and it'll be nice to exercise! There is one downside about the place I'm moving into...of course. lol I'll be forced to pee in a hole in the ground. There's a latrine at least, but no bowl or seat. So it's basically a shiny hole in the ground. My options were renting just a bedroom with a Western bathroom (regular toilet) and then using the communal kitchen, living room, etc. Or the place I chose. I just want to have a little more space and again, even in a communal kitchen, I don't like to intrude so I think having my own will be good. The shower head (there's a shower!!!) is over the I think I can keep it fairly Also, since so many expats are in and out of this place if I'm miserable I can probably just switch if one with a Western bathroom becomes available. So this is my reasoning. Hopefully it'll all work out. I'll keep ya posted.
Work has been keeping me busy. I'm actually in the field right now. We traveled to Kitgum (about 2ish hours north of Gulu) yesterday. We're trying to mobilize some survivors of a couple massacres that took place at the hand's of the government soldiers during the LRA conflict. It's never been documented...let alone been acknowledged or admitted by the government. They have a mass grave site for god's sake! What more proof do you need? There's survivors with bullet scars...I mean, there's no denying evidence like that. Anyway, we're doing our initial field visit at the moment and will be coming back in July sometime to interview all the survivors and relatives of victims. The atrocities these people, and so many others, have witnessed is awful. I really hope that the documentation of it provides some relief, even if minuscule. Hopefully they'll be able to use them as advocacy tools as well.
On a different note, there was no running water in my house for a couple days. I was looking forward to coming to Kitgum just to get a shower! lol When we arrived we found a self-contained hotel with running water. Yay! After a long, hot, and dirty day in the field I came back to find the running water gone...vanished. I did the best I could bathing from a basin...sigh. Later in the night I heard my toilet start running and was immediately excited! Running water! I had my first regular shower today since I've been in was still cold water, but it was a shower! It was glorious.
Well, I'm going to get ready for bed. We have another long day tomorrow and we have to drive back. Let me tell you, driving here is muchhh more tiring than in the U.S. because the road conditions are so bad. I woke this morning and felt like I had aged a hundred years. All the bumps, pot holes, ditches in the road really affect you...not to mention the constant swerving to avoid on coming cars, crossing goats, chickens, roosters, cows, etc. lol So for now, I'll leave you with a picture of a very serious sign posted in my hotel room. Really, think of the innocent children! ;0) Nighty night


  1. What a different world...I'd love to see more pics of the places you go and where you live. And you!!

  2. First of all, Ew! (to the "photo") - so great to hear from you. I had a similar experience living with a host family and if I ever had to do it again, I would definitely rent a separate place. There are plenty of other ways to socialize! Your mosquito bites look like mine when I get bit by horse flies in Northern Minnesota. I have to ice my foot and elevate it - it swells like a balloon.
    San Diego is still swell. Getting started on capstone research. Keep writing! Julie
