Monday, June 3, 2013

Arrived in Gulu!

I traveled from Kampala to Gulu on Saturday. It was a 6 hour bus ride. The drive was beautiful. It's amazing to see how things change when going from the South to the North. The pictures below were taken in Kampala and then on the drive up to Gulu.

After I arrived to Gulu I went with David to a traditional wedding. There were many parts to it. It was almost like a show. The bride had 21 bridesmaids and 1 maid of honor. All of them were wearing different dresses and kept changing into even more dresses. The bride changed probably 4 times and I wasn't even there for the ceremony, only the reception. It was beautiful. I'm hoping to get some of the pictures from the photographer that I will put up. After the wedding I joined David and his friends in town at one of the local bars. David has very nice friends. Everyone so far has been very nice. It also stormed after the wedding which was wonderful. I was hoping it would storm at least once while I was here. I have a feeling it won't be the last time. After the clouds cleared, I felt like I could see nearly every star in the sky. It's so dark out here; it's amazing. I wish I could take a picture of that for you all to see.

I'm sure some of you are wondering what my new home looks like. I live in a house with 3 bedrooms and two baths. It's in a fenced in large yard that has two other building like homes in it. David's mother and siblings live in the other houses. In my house is David, who will be living here for a month, and David's brother Moses, and his fiance, Rita. Everyone is so very kind and wonderful. Rita is expecting a baby in August which is very exciting! Yesterday and today I've stayed around the house mostly. I've been resting a bit and just trying to get ready to start work tomorrow. Eek! Nervous and excited. Below are some pictures of where I'm living.
This is one of the buildings in the yard
This is...a bird...Not exactly sure which kind... :0) 
This is the yard from the house I'm staying in.
This is the house where I'm staying. Nice, huh?!
This is the house next to mine in the yard.
Lil goat
This is what my window looks out to
This is in the neighbor's yard behind the house. Anyone who knows me well knows that I was delighted to see these little piglets!! So cute! All though their Mama can be quite loud. 
Chicken and mysterious bird
So dang cute!
So far everything is going pretty well. Obviously there are some things I'm still adjusting to. Like the mosquitos. Despite bug repellent and a mosquito net they have found away to keep eating me alive. Naturally every time one bites me the spot swells. Good thing I have anti-itch cream and anti-malaria meds. I'm hoping this will somehow get better in time. I miss you all...a lot! <3

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